Why do I need a social media manager?
Many companies, particularly small businesses, fall into this area: "Why couldn't I just manage my own social media?" It's an excellent question, one that every business owner has to answer for themselves. We'll never claim that some businesses cannot successfully manage their own social media presences, and to those businesses, all the more power to them! Still, it's important to understand why all businesses -- or even most, in our experience -- do not fall into this category.
A social media manager is, in essence, your company's internet PR (Public Relations) representation. Not only can they ease the burden of managing and expanding your company's online presence, answering inquiries, interacting with costumers in a positive fashion -- a good social media manager handles these tasks with expert interpersonal skills, conveying only the messages YOU want to represent your company, carefully ensuring that no potential costumer is left unaddressed or alienated.
The problem with the online medium is that any piece of text is up to the interpretation of the reader, to a much greater level than we ever have to account for in person. In face-to-face interactions, we can utilize tone, body gesticulations, posturing, and a plethora of other tools in order to accurately convey a message as we intend for it to be received. Online, we are left with text on a screen -- nothing more, nothing less. In unskilled hands, the intended online presence can be stifled by the "silent voice": The reader's interpretation, the skewing of public perception by our competitors, even the permeating beliefs and opinions of the original author that can unintentionally saturate a company's "voice." The "silent voice" can kill the message, or, worse, send out a message that we never intended to say.
You love your company, probably more than any other person ever could. But have you ever had a crush on someone, an infatuation so intense that every time you were in that person's presence, you misspoke, garbled your words or came across in a way in which you did not intend? That love for your company is a powerful asset in growth, development and achievement, but it can threaten the neutrality of your company's "voice." In positive and negative interactions, our greatest asset as social media managers is our ability to remain impartial, yet dedicated to the company's image and continued success. We want to ensure that no audience member is alienated, no inquiry is left unanswered, and every interaction between the public and your company is a positive one. We worry about the "face" -- the makeup, the pressed suit, the shined shoes -- you worry about the "brains" -- the development and ingenuity that made your company so great to begin with.
Why Bon Visto Media?
Simply put, because we know these things. We are savvy communicators, people born the "peacemakers," the "negotiators," those people you've met who just seem to get along with everybody. Interpersonal skills are nature and nurture -- in this case, who we were from birth and how we were educated -- and we have both on our side. Your company is not just a paycheck to us. We will ONLY take contracts from companies that we really believe in, because we believe that passion can be a powerful tool, provided it's wielded with great caution and expertise. The excitement you feel when you talk about your company, your company will never lose that passionate voice under our care, because we wouldn't take your contract if we didn't believe in your message, too. Under Bon Visto Media's care, however, you can be assured that your passion will be directed into engaging, positive interactions with every potential client, communicating only the messages YOU intend to share with your audience.
In short, you bring the customers. Bon Visto Media keeps them there.
In short, you bring the customers. Bon Visto Media keeps them there.